Kalabo district lies about 75 Km West of Mongu with a total surface area of 9,016 Square Kilometers. The district shares her boundary with Mongu district to the East, Limulunga to the North East, Lukulu and Mitete districts to the North, Nalolo district to the South East, Shangombo district to the South West, Sikongo district to the West and Angola to the North West.
The district has a population of 111,769 of which 52,707 are males and 59,062 are females, (Zamstat, 2022). Kalabo district has high poverty levels, standing at about 85% while the growth rate is at 2.5%. The population density for Kalabo district is 12.3 people per square kilometer. Majority of the population are youths below the age of 35.
The district economy is predominantly driven by fishing activities due to several natural water bodies. There is also small scale agriculture particularly cassava, maize growing, horticulture, cattle raring and rice. The largest market for most of the produce from the district still remains Mongu district.
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